Sunday Lunch
at MeMe's

Gather 'Round the Table
MeMe’s first cookbook was inspired by Sunday lunch gatherings with the family. Every Sunday after church, the Leary Tribe convenes at MeMe’s table(s) where they catch up on the week’s events, share stories, chase children, and laugh together.
MeMe prepares all the food herself (mostly in advance) so her family doesn’t have to worry about bringing anything. Her only requirement is church attendance!
The table is set with pretty napkins folded in each spot. Plates are stacked, the entree is steaming, and the buffet is lined with all manner of vegetables and salads, deviled eggs (a staple), rolls and at least two desserts.
"We eat until we are full as ticks, we visit, we laugh... we make and share memories around the table."
There is something beautiful that happens when families slow down, share a meal, and listen to each other. Stomachs are filled, but more importantly, so are hearts.
An Open Table
Most of MeMe’s fondest memories are times spent around the kitchen table. Both of her grandmothers had long tables with benches on either side and chairs only at the ends. Wonderful home-cooked meals were shared, but also the occasional snack of just a biscuit and jelly. There was always plenty of food, conversation and laughter at those tables.
Now, all the memories from her childhood are being recreated at her own table. Over the years the number of “eaters” has grown – children gained spouses, then came grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and whoever else shows up.

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31
Sample Menus
hamburgers and gravy
mashed potatoes
lima beans
steamed broccoli
peas and snaps
squash and onions
shells and cheese
pound cake
lemon ice-box pie
baked ham
bbq chicken
potato salad
candied sweet potatoes
brown rice
mashed potatoes
fresh creamed corn
green beans
shells and cheese
lima beans
deviled eggs
pear salad
pork chops
bbq ribs
pasta salad
baby lima beans
blackeye peas
cabbage casserole
mac and cheese
apple dumplings
fudge pie
Keep Your Fork
the best is yet to come
A story that circulated not too long ago was about a woman who was terminally ill and given 3 months to live. She met with her pastor to discuss her funeral service – the songs to be sung, scripture to be read, and what she wanted to wear for her burial. She made one more request; to be buried with a fork in her right hand. The pastor was perplexed. She explained that in all her years of attending family and church meals, as the main course was winding down, someone would come to clear the plates and bend down to whisper, “Keep your fork.” That was her favorite part because she knew something amazing was coming.
She knew she didn’t have much time left and heaven was on the horizon. She wanted her friends and family to see the fork in her hand and be encouraged that something better was indeed coming – the fork was her symbol of hope, salvation and eternity!
This story resonates with MeMe because growing up she often would hear the phrase and undoubtably a delicious concoction would shortly appear from the fridge, pie safe, or oven. As a woman of faith, MeMe believes God is indeed preparing a banquet for believers.
There are more dessert recipes than any other category in Sunday Lunch at MeMe’s as desserts are the crowning glory of any good meal.